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PostNapisane: 8 mar 2012, o 19:03 
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Dołączył(a): 4 lis 2006, o 16:23
Posty: 1580
Lokalizacja: DANZIG
Karma: 154
przyłączam się do rozwiązania Normana z pomysłem na nagradzanie

Jak nie umiesz, uroń łezkę podnieś się i wciągnij kreskę !

 Zobacz profil Offline  
PostNapisane: 8 mar 2012, o 20:54 

Dołączył(a): 18 paź 2003, o 21:05
Posty: 240
Lokalizacja: Radom
Karma: 17
Daruś, a może udałoby Ci się znaleźć czas i motywację na filmik po zakończeniu rozgrywek z RocketAreny?
Przy wyłączonej opcji SelfDamage ludzie będą wysoko skakać, co zaowocuje zapewne całą masą ładnych wizualnie killów w locie.
A i kto wie, czy z innych modów coś ciekawego nie wyniknie...

 Zobacz profil Offline  
PostNapisane: 8 mar 2012, o 21:45 

Dołączył(a): 19 kwi 2004, o 15:20
Posty: 133
Karma: 8
Zgadzam się, że forma nagradzania ludzi bardzo ciekawa, ale neon na pewno nie będę nikomu wysyłać kasy, jak ktoś chce kasę to do pracy (zdecydowana większość ma już odpowiedni wiek) tutaj ma chodzić o zabawę - zresztą widać po doborze modów.

 Zobacz profil Offline  
PostNapisane: 9 mar 2012, o 00:01 
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Dołączył(a): 1 wrz 2007, o 22:07
Posty: 1157
Lokalizacja: Pyrlandia
Karma: 101
nagrywac demka

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PostNapisane: 9 mar 2012, o 00:45 
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Dołączył(a): 8 sty 2008, o 13:07
Posty: 1308
Karma: 101
$this->bbcode_second_pass_quote('danonek', 'Z')gadzam się, że forma nagradzania ludzi bardzo ciekawa, ale neon na pewno nie będę nikomu wysyłać kasy, jak ktoś chce kasę to do pracy (zdecydowana większość ma już odpowiedni wiek) tutaj ma chodzić o zabawę - zresztą widać po doborze modów.

Nie chodzi tutaj o żadne pieniądze. Jeśli by były - ok.
Jeśli planujecie jakikolwiek upominek materialny - dla losowo wybranych graczy.
Przychyliłem się do rozwiązania Normana i niejako odniosłem się do przyszłościowych prób włączenia nagród rzeczowych w tej grze. I pomijam tutaj oskary, bo losowość ich wręczania mija się z celem ;).

 Zobacz profil Offline  
PostNapisane: 9 mar 2012, o 12:52 

Dołączył(a): 16 kwi 2010, o 09:18
Posty: 453
Karma: 20
pomysł normana z nagrodami jest git!

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PostNapisane: 10 mar 2012, o 16:02 
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Dołączył(a): 1 wrz 2007, o 22:07
Posty: 1157
Lokalizacja: Pyrlandia
Karma: 101

 Zobacz profil Offline  
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2012, o 16:44 

Dołączył(a): 29 sie 2003, o 15:48
Posty: 1428
Lokalizacja: de
Karma: 118

jeszcze careema zlapcie (chyba o tym pisalem) on zapostuje na esr. Ja sie dowiedzialem ze moge pisac newsy na q2scene wczoraj, wiec dzis skrobne jakiegos newsa o turnieju.

 Zobacz profil Offline  
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2012, o 17:42 
Luzny kolezka

Dołączył(a): 19 mar 2010, o 19:43
Posty: 417
Lokalizacja: Białystok
Karma: -24
chetnie zagram :mad:

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PostNapisane: 11 mar 2012, o 17:27 

Dołączył(a): 29 sie 2003, o 15:48
Posty: 1428
Lokalizacja: de
Karma: 118
Ja nadal czekam na jakas strukture turnieju, bo nawet nie wiem jak napisac newsa na q2scene

to jest 3 mody w jeden dzien? inny co tydzien? czy jak :?:

 Zobacz profil Offline  
PostNapisane: 11 mar 2012, o 19:55 
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Dołączył(a): 8 sty 2008, o 13:07
Posty: 1308
Karma: 101
Turniej chyba sam się zorganizuje ...

 Zobacz profil Offline  
PostNapisane: 11 mar 2012, o 20:17 
dzionsla cien

Dołączył(a): 5 maja 2003, o 10:11
Posty: 4122
Lokalizacja: Gliwice
Karma: 118
$this->bbcode_second_pass_quote('Shao', 'T')estowaliśmy z nesqukiem wszystkie 3 mody na tych Atmanach.

KICK: niby cacy, ale jakiś dziwnie mały timelimit, po chwili zmienia mapę

CTC: mimo ściągniętego moda nadal nie widać modeli kury, piór itd.

RA: w ogóle nie wiemy jak zacząć grać, weszliśmy do dwóch różnych drużyn i na tym koniec, cały czas observer jakby

Taka wskazówka do CTC - gdy odpalę mod przez komendę "game ctc" i zarzucę mapę to widać normalnie kurę, pióra itd. Po wejściu na atman tych modeli brakuje.


odnosnie kick, timelimit jest 15min wiec chyba troche dziwne ze po chwili niby mapa sie zmienia, postawilem moda na konfigu ktory byl na niemieckim planetquake na ktorym z ziomalami gralismy wiele razy w kicka i bylo wszystko jak nalezy

ctc... cos masz zjebane, specjalnie dla testu sciagnalem czyste q2 a potem moda ctc i po wejsciu na atmana normalnie wszystkie modele widac lacznie z kura, skad sciagales tego ctc?
sproboj tego ktory wrzucilem na http://download.planetquake.pl/mods/ctc/

co do ra szczerze mowiac nigdy nie gralismy i nie testowalismy wiec nie wiem
ale teraz dla testu odpalilem 2x q2, w obu przypadkach zalozylem new team i wyskoczylo 5 4 3 2 1... i normalnie gra sie rozpoczela?:E

 Zobacz profil Offline  
PostNapisane: 11 mar 2012, o 21:48 

Dołączył(a): 19 kwi 2004, o 15:20
Posty: 133
Karma: 8
norek planujemy w 1 dzień to zrobić, po 2 mapy z każdego modu po 15 minut (jeśli będzie potrzeba to można to zmniejszyć do 1 mapy z każdego moda tak, żeby każdy zagrał), ale jeśli okaże się, że będzie dużo chętnych i nie wydolimy czasowo, to najwyżej rozłoży się na 2 dni (nie wiadomo ilu graczy będzie to nie wiadomo jak to czasowo wypali)

 Zobacz profil Offline  
PostNapisane: 12 mar 2012, o 14:53 
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Dołączył(a): 19 cze 2002, o 12:16
Posty: 2175
Lokalizacja: Warszawa
Karma: 140
Uaktualniłem pierwszy post.

Prosba. Przetestujcie sobie te mody, by szybko i sprawnie rozegrac mecze ;)

Console: d2 Irc: alt+z lover

 Zobacz profil Offline  
PostNapisane: 12 mar 2012, o 15:19 

Dołączył(a): 29 sie 2003, o 15:48
Posty: 1428
Lokalizacja: de
Karma: 118

sciagnalem ra2 i wbilem na serwer. Od razu jest rzecz taka ze w modzie nie ma map, powinno nie byc problemu ze sciaganiem ich np u mnie to trwa chwilke, ale napewno podczas turnieju moga wyniknac komplikacje.

Zrobilem tak jak urbas napisal, bedac samemu na serwie nie da sie nawet poskakac wiec odpalilem drugiego klejka i wbilem na ten sam serw. Po 10min walki doszedlem do tego jak rozpoczac gre - :eee. Warto sobie zbindowac przyciski do oblugi menu w grze - 1. inven, 2. invnext - invprev oraz invuse. ja np nie mam dwoch pierwszych :p. Bez nich chodzenie po menu to katorga.

no i po rozpoczeciu gry odpalila sie mapa dm8 troszke zmodyfikowana, pobiegalem i poszukalem swojego drugiego ja i jak znalazlem to mialem jakis dziwny skin ? nie fullbright tylko rakietoarenowy jakis no i jak chcialem sie zabic ( :D ) to wywalilo serwer? wtf

ten mod jest jakos dziwnie napisany, strasznie pokrecony. To samo mielismy z paroma osobami jak probowalismy zagrac tp w ra2 kiedys. Ludzie sobie nie radzili poprostu z obsluga tego moda. Gralo sie malo przyjemnie ogolnie. No i nie iwem, jakos sobie nie wyobrazam zeby wszystko szlo ladnie i plynnie podczas turnieju. Obym sie mylil, ale napisanie jakiejs krotkiej instrukcji napewno by pomoglo wszystkim chcacym pograc.

 Zobacz profil Offline  
PostNapisane: 12 mar 2012, o 16:15 

Dołączył(a): 29 sie 2003, o 15:48
Posty: 1428
Lokalizacja: de
Karma: 118
wszedlem po 1 graczu do red i blue i rozpoczelo odliczanie meczu a pozniej 5 sek do rundy

ale tez probowalem robic nowe druzyny itd i nie dzialalo dopiero cudowalem z przechodzeniem chwile i sie udalo

a wogole to po byciu chwile w teamie dostaje sie komunikat cos w stylu - serwer widzi ciebie jako bota mozesz zechciec wykonac reconnect. wtf?



 Zobacz profil Offline  
PostNapisane: 12 mar 2012, o 17:47 
dzionsla cien

Dołączył(a): 5 maja 2003, o 10:11
Posty: 4122
Lokalizacja: Gliwice
Karma: 118
$this->bbcode_second_pass_quote('norman', 'h')mm

sciagnalem ra2 i wbilem na serwer. Od razu jest rzecz taka ze w modzie nie ma map, powinno nie byc problemu ze sciaganiem ich np u mnie to trwa chwilke, ale napewno podczas turnieju moga wyniknac komplikacje.

u wszystkich bedzie to trwalo chwile bo chyba wlaczylem http download jak na reszcie serwerow moich, wiec sciaga sie predkoscia jakie kto ma lacze, wiec mapa ktora wazy nawet 1MB sciaga sie praktycznie w sekunde lub kilka sekund

co do samego ra2, ja nie pomoge, bo nigdy nie bawilem sie tym modem, wiec moze da sie jakos skonfiugorwac serwer inaczej, a moze jest inny mod jeszcze do ra2 niz tego ktorego uzylem? nie wiem...
jak cos znajdziecie lepszego, albo ktos ogarnie ustawienia to pozmieniam to, zaraz zerkne co w ogole jest w configu to ustawiania, bo postawilem serwy na szybko nie zaglebiajac sie zbytnio w to co mozna ustawiac

shao ja tez uzywam r1q2 wiec to nie powinno miec znaczenia

w normalnych warunkach wrzucam wszystkie modele itd na http download zeby jak ktos nie mial textur czy czegos zeby sie podociagaly, ale w ctc jest to dziwnie zrobione, model np. kurczaka jest jakos inaczej implementowany, testowalem na czystym q2, wchodzac na serwa nie pisze ze brakuje jakiegos modelu czy cos, wiec nie ma jak tego dociagnac

 Zobacz profil Offline  
PostNapisane: 12 mar 2012, o 17:59 
dzionsla cien

Dołączył(a): 5 maja 2003, o 10:11
Posty: 4122
Lokalizacja: Gliwice
Karma: 118
jesli ktos ma czas przeanalizowac


Title : Rocket Arena 2
Filename : ra2250cl.exe
Version : 2.50 Release
Date : 4/17/99
Authors : David 'crt' Wright <wrightd@gamespy.com>
Mungo <bml@netwiz.net>
Web Page : http://www.planetquake.com/arena
Discussion list: rocketarena-subscribe@list.gamespy.com

Welcome to Rocket Arena 2. You are about to play one of the most fun (and
most addictive) mods ever created for Quake 2. Please take a
moment, however, to read this entire file. It contains important info
and answers many common questions.

Since most people will not read this whole file, this info is going at the top!
If you don't find an answer here PLEASE READ THE REST OF THE FILE!

1. I get a "map not found" error when connecting to the server.
A: Either the server is not running with the "arena" directory set, or your files
are not installed correctly. Quake 2 3.14 and above should set the game directory

2. All the players have white boxes coming out of them.
A: You do not have the VWEP pak2.pak installed. Get it from the Rocket Arena 2
downloads page. Install it in your quake2\baseq2\ directory.

3. The player's skins aren't showing up in pickup arenas, or I get a pic not found error.
A: The skins files either got overwritten, or were never installed in the first place.
Try reinstalling by following the instructions below.

4. Is it cheating to give out the other team's health numbers to my teammates?
A: YES. YES it is. So don't do it. We left in the ability for observers to talk to
players, so please don't abuse it. It was left in so that observers can cheer
for their teammates and encourage them, not so they can help their teammates cheat.
Giving out health numbers ruins the suspense and strategy of the game. So just don't do
it. You wouldn't like your health given out, so don't give out other peoples'. End of
subject. This discussion is closed.

5. Is using the BFG Cheating?
A: This is a much tougher question, and I have devoted a short essay to it. You can find
it at: http://www.planetquake.com/servers/arena/bfg.html
However, the basic answer is: if the BFG is turned on, it is not cheating to use it.
The BFG is off by default and can only be turned on by the server admin or by voting.
Please don't annoy people by voting repeatedly to turn it on or off.

6. Is the Rocket Arena 2 source code available?
A: Not at the moment. It may be released at a later date, but not in the foreseeable future.
If you have a mod and are interested in learning how something was done in RA2 feel free
to contact one of the authors and we will get back to you (time permitting).
The menu source (although a slightly older version) has been released on the RA2 web page.
The current version may be released if we can clean it up and pry it away from arena.

7. How do I make a Rocket Arena 2 map?
A: The Rocket Arena 2 maps specs are avaiable for download on the Rocket Arena 2 page.

8. The Player Setup screen in multiplayer options crashes Quake 2.
A: You probably have old files lying around from the beta test. Delete your
\quake2\arena directory and reinstall only the release files.

9. I've got some menu or something, what do I do?
A: You read the rest of this file!

10. I get a "Local map version differs from server: 335323 != 323252" Error.
A: Either your pak file, or the pak file on the server is corrupted. Try reinstalling.

Installation Instructions

If you are reading this file, you have probably already installed RA2, but please
read these instructions to make sure you did it correctly.

When you run the EXE you will be prompted for an install directory. Just
enter your correct Quake 2 directory when prompted.
That's it. It's installed. See below for how to connect to servers and play.

If you are unable to run the .EXE (on a Unix machine for example) you can
rename the file to .ZIP and follow these instructions.

To install: UNZIP the ZIP file into your QUAKE 2 directory, preserving directory
names. A quake2\arena directory will automatically be created. You can use
DOS PKUNZIP, UNIX unzip, or Windows PKZIP/WinZIP. It should look like this:

C:\QUAKE2> pkunzip -d c:\windows\desktop\????????.zip
$/usr/games/quake2> unzip -L /tmp/????????.zip


Playing Instructions

To connect to a Quake2 Arena server, use GameSpy (www.gamespy.com) with
the Rocket Arena 2 tab.

To install the Rocket Arena 2 tab:
1. Start GameSpy
2. Go to the VIEW menu and select CUSTOM TAB
3. Click IMPORT, and select the Q2ARENA.QST file in your \quake2\arena directory.

Select Quake 2 on the left.
Select the Q2 Arena Tab, go to File-Update This Source

Click, and play. Your game directory will be set to "arena" automatically.

If you get an error about a sound or map not being found, you installed the
pak incorrectly or did not set up GameSpy as above.

NOTE: Registered GameSpy Users can find Rocket Arena 2 servers faster using
SmartSpy. Just follow these instructions:
1. Start GameSpy
2. Right click on "Quake 2" on the left master list
3. Select "Add SmartSpy List" from the right click menu
4. Type "Rocket Arena 2" in the name field
5. Type "arena" (no quotes) in the Game Type field
A new "master" will be added under Quake 2. Just right click and hit update!

You can also connect to a server manually by running:
quake2.exe +connect server.ip.address
The +set game arena is set automatically by Quake 2.

To run a server you must download the SEPARATE server files.
This applies even if you just want to run a listen server on your LAN at home.

Game Overview
Rocket Arena matches are played in "arenas." Each map may have one or more arenas
in it. When you connect to a server, you need to either create or join a team, and
then enter an arena (if the team isn't already in one).
Once you are in the arena you will be put in line to fight. See below for
more specific instructions.

Navigating the Menus
The menus are controlled by the same keys you use to do your inventory.
(words in quotes are console commands, words in parentheses are the default
key bindings)

"invprev" and "invnext" ([ and ]) go up and down on the menu

"invuse" (ENTER) selects an item

"inven" (TAB) toggles a menu on/off. If a menu does not show up when you think
it should, try hitting TAB a few times. Also, if you are in an arena and
want to leave, hit TAB to bring up the observer menu.

"invdrop" (', same key as ") decreases values on the Admin and Voting menus
"invdrop" is also used on the Arena Selection menu to go directly into
Observer Only mode.

How to Play

When you first join a server you will probably see a message of the day window.
READ THE INFO, and then hit Enter (invuse) to clear it.

You will then be asked to either join a team or
create a new one. The number after the team name is the number of players on the team.

If you want to play by yourself, or start a team, then select
'Create Team'

If another player has asked you to join their team you can select
'Join L33tPlayer's Team'

If you would like to play in a pickup game (two teams, large size, clan arena style play)
then join either pickup team red or blue. The number before the pickup team name is the
arena it is in. There may be more than one pickup arena on a level, so make sure you
are joining the correct one.

If you create your own team or join a team that is not already in an arena, you will
then get a menu of arenas on the level. Using the menu, select which arena you want to play
in. Hit ENTER (invuse) to get in line in that arena, or ' (invdrop) to enter the arena
without getting in line. You can observe the matches and get into line at any time
with the observer menu (hit TAB to bring it up).

You can also use ' (invdrop) to observer Pickup Games. Just create a new team and hit
the invdrop key on the Pickup Arena.

Some arenas are set for more than 1 player per team. If you have less than the
maximum number of players, you will be told so, but you can continue into the arena
and people may join your team later.

You cannot enter arenas designed for pickup teams. You must join a pickup team
to get into them.

Gameplay in a Normal/Team Arena

Once in the arena waiting area, you will wait in line for your chance
against the champion(s). The winning team stays on the battleground until it
is defeated.

When you enter the arena, a 5 second countdown will begin. Note that there is a
10 second countdown if a vote is pending, to give you time to vote.

You will automatically be given whatever health/armor/weapons/ammo are configured
for that arena. The members of the other team are given the same.

Now you fight.

When all members of one team are dead, the other team is declared the victor.
If all members of both teams die, a tie is declared and the teams re-enter the arena.

You can optionally vote to turn on rounds in the arena. With rounds on matches
are played in a best X/Y fashion (2/3, 5/9, etc) with the winning team staying and
the losing team going to the back of the line.

Note that you can always tell your TEAM color by looking at the face on your statusbar.
If you don't see a face there, you aren't in a team arena.

Gameplay in a Pickup Arena

After joining a pickup team you will be placed in the arena as an observer. A match
will probably already have started, and you can watch until the current round is over.
Once the round is over you will be placed in the arena.

Kill everyone on the other team.

When you die you will be placed in observer mode and allowed to watch the rest of the
round. Feel free to cheer for your teammates, but please do not give out health numbers!

Last team standing wins the round. Matches are usually played in matches of (up to) 5,9,
or 11 rounds with a 15 second break in-between matches. Use the break to vote for changes
or switch teams if they become uneven (to switch teams, leave the team you are on and join
the other).

Observer Options

You may hit TAB to bring up the observer menu. From there you can leave the arena,
get in/out of line, or propose / vote on settings changes.

"Leave Arena": This will remove your entire team from the current arena and place you
back at the arena selection menu. It is not an option for pickup teams.

"Leave Team": You will be removed from your team and placed at the team selection menu.
If you are the only person on your team, it will be cleared.

"Change Arena Settings": You can propose changes to settings such as: health, armor,
players per team, and weapon mix. Other settings (such as ammo amounts and self
damage) are only configurable by the server op.

"Vote on Changes": When changes have been proposed you will be given notice and can
come here to view/vote on the changes. Always remember to vote on your own proposal!

Voting Example
For example, say you want to play 2v2 in an arena that is set for 1v1.
One player should join the arena and propose the changes (and vote for them
of course). The changes will go through in about 30 seconds.
He can then have a teammate join his team from the teams menu. Any other
2 person (or 1 person) team can now enter the arena.
Please note that if you leave the arena, and it becomes empty, the settings
are reset to the server default!

Hitting TAB again will remove the menu.

The FIRE key changes observer modes.
The JUMP key cycles players forwards in trackcam and eyecam mode.
The DUCK key cycles players backwards in trackcam and eyecam mode.

The viewing modes are:
Normal: For arenas with viewing areas, you are placed in the viewing area to watch the match.

FreeFlying: You may noclip freely throughout the level.

TrackCam: RA2 has an excellent trackcam that YOU control. Moving the view will let you fly
around the target you are viewing.

EyeCam: This unique view lets you see EXACTLY what the player is seeing.

Sending Messages
The default messagemode1 (T key, "say" at console) will only send messages to your
arena. All spectators and players will hear them. If you are in the main waiting
arena, it will be broadcast to the whole server. Arena messages do not play the "beep"
because it can get annoying when playing. If you don't want to hear arena messages
while playing you can set "msg <number>" at the console, where <number> is 2,3, or 4.

The default messagemode2 ("say_team" at console) will send messages to your teammates,
but only if they are in the same state (playing or observing) as you
(i.e. spectators can't send team messages to teammates that are playing, but two teammates
playing can communicate this way)

"say_world <message>" at the console will send a message to the entire server.
World messages are prefixed with a W:
When replying to a world message, make sure you use say_world, or your intended recipient
might not hear you (if they are in another arena).
There is no way to bind say_world to a key, but typing text at the console
(non-commands) will also send it to the world by default.

Spam protection is in effect on the servers. Do not send messages too
fast or you will be kicked (5 messages in 2 seconds would be too fast).

This version of Rocket Arena 2 includes (at many players' request) an optional
offhand grapple hook. This can ONLY be turned on by the server admin. If you find
yourself on a server with grapple enabled, and want to try it, just bind a key
to "+hook" and off you go!

In Game Administration
See the server readme (readsrv.txt) in the server files for In-Game admin info.

Version Info
2.50: Third public release. 28 Maps (172 Arenas)
2.20: Second public release. 17 Maps (99 Arenas)
2.11: First full public release. 8 Maps (46 Arenas)
2.10: Private beta. 1 Map
2.09: First public beta. 1 Converted map

Design Goals
In correspondence with many people I have referred to the design goals of RA/RA2
when trying to explain design decisions made along the way (or, usually to
explain why I won't add XYZ snazzy new feature to RA2). So here is a quick
synopsis of the RA / RA2 design goals:
1. To make people into better Quake/Quake 2 players. After playing RA/RA2 for
a period of time, people should go back to Q/Q2 DM/CTF/etc. and find that their skills
have greatly increased. RA/RA2 is intense training.
2. To facilitate a style of deathmatch that is as fair and equal to all participants
as possible. It is no longer an items game, but a test of reflexes and strategy.
3. To keep the emphasis on the game, both for players and observers. Watching other
players is a key to improving one's own skills.
4. To keep the interface / gameplay as simple as possible, while still meeting the
rest of the goals.
5. To preserve the integrity of the game by trying to duplicate Quake/Quake 2 gameplay
as closely as possible. This means keeping the weapon balance, player speed, and other
factors the same. This is important so that when a player goes back to Q/Q2 DM/CTF/etc.
they will not feel that it is an entirely different game, and that their RA/RA2 skills
are useless. (Quick Note: we have deviated slightly from this principle by adding
VWEP and fast weapon switching to RA2. We justified this by realizing that these two
things will soon become standard features on many other mods as well, and perhaps eventually
in the main Q2 code. They also contribute quite a bit to #6)
6. To have a LOT OF FUN! If you aren't having fun, you must not be playing RA/RA2.

Map Credits
The Rocket Arena 2 map team did an amazing job on these levels. Feel free to
e-mail them with your questions/comments.

ra2map1 Funkadooda's Alpine Adventure (7 Arenas)
Arenas 1 - 5,6: Steve Fukuda <stevefu@unixg.ubc.ca>
Arena 6: Andrew 'BowZer' Bowser <bowzer@rogers.wave.ca>
Arena 7: Christian Antkow <xian@idsoftware.com>
Snow Sky by Jeff Garstecki - www.frag.com/deconstruct
Arena 1 - Stadium Cargo Hold
Arena 2 - Alcatraz
Arena 3 - The Blue Max
Arena 4 - Funkadooda's Revenge 2
Arena 5 - Railgun Stadium
Arena 6 - Drop Zone
Arena 7 - The Warehouse

ra2map2 Tesh's Revenge (5 Arenas)
Arenas 1 - 4: Ralph 'tesh' Gustavsen <clg@coastlinegraphics.com>
Arena 5: Tim Willits <twillits@idsoftware.com>
Arena 1 - spongebath
Arena 2 - rocket jump this!
Arena 3 - edge of insanity
Arena 4 - the wicked empty base
Arena 5 - the outer base

ra2map3 Soahc Complex (3 Arenas)
Ben Bjoralt (Scalt) <dbjoralt@computerpro.com>
Arena 1 - DeathBox
Arena 2 - The Corridors
Arena 3 - Q2 Soahc

ra2map4 Arenaholics Anonymous (10 Arenas)
Arenas 1 - 5: Mark Major <shmitz@drchronicles.com>
Arenas 6 - 10: Tim van Hal <Tim@inside3d.com>
Marco van Schriek <Marco@inside3d.com>
Roel Tiemessen <Roel@inside3d.com>
AKA The MarTim Team
Arena 1 - Stone Cold
Arena 2 - Monkies in the Middle
Arena 3 - The Cage
Arena 4 - Uneven
Arena 5 - House of Glass
Arena 6 - Heart and Soul
Arena 7 - The Lobbing Lobby
Arena 8 - Rail Runners
Arena 9 - Machine Room
Arena 10 - The Bridge

ra2map5 An Assortment of Flavors (4 Arenas)
Mackey McCandlish (Avatar) <avatar@widomaker.com>
Arena 1 - Tek Towers
Arena 2 - McCandlish Base
Arena 3 - Sun Baked
Arena 4 - Only if it Rotates

ra2map6 Fragapalooza (8 Arenas)
Mark Major <shmitz@drchronicles.com>
Snow2 Sky by Jeff Garstecki - www.frag.com/deconstruct
Arena 1 - Courting Death
Arena 2 - Pillars
Arena 3 - A Room with a View
Arena 4 - The Long Jump
Arena 5 - That Not So Fresh Feeling
Arena 6 - Gibs on Ice
Arena 7 - Here and There
Arena 8 - An Auxiliary Death

ra2map7 Palace of Brak (6 Arenas)
Ralph 'tesh' Gustavsen <clg@coastlinegraphics.com>
Arena 1 - Planet Brak
Arena 2 - Bucket-O-Gibs
Arena 3 - Spin Cycle
Arena 4 - Frontdoor-Backside
Arena 5 - Zoraks Revenge
Arena 6 - A Good Place to Die

ra2map8 Injury Terminal (3 Areanas)
Greg Barr <greg@pesky.demon.co.uk>
Arena 1 - Comm Tower
Arena 2 - Inferno Compound
Arena 3 - Ventilation Central

ra2map9 Gizbang (8 Arenas)
Mike Burbidge (g1zm0) <mikeburb@home.com>
Thai Pham (SwanSong) <swansong@ienet.com>
Jack Gaumer (ding0) <ding0@home.com>
Mark Stottlemyre (ScuNioN) <scunion@home.com.
Arena 1 - Medieval (g1zm0)
Arena 2 - Dakyneq2 (g1zm0)
Arena 3 - Clownfish (g1zm0)
Arena 4 - Teien (g1zm0)
Arena 5 - Raligun 101 (SwanSong)
Arena 6 - Fire Escape (ding0)
Arena 7 - Madlands (Hyena)
Arena 8 - Molehills (ScuNioN)

ra2map10 Rocket O'rena 2 (8 Arenas)
smeghead <ian@planetquake.com>
bigOnes <big0nes@planetquake.com>
MeatHead <meathead@planetquake.com>
Arena 1 - vigO's Courtyard (big0nes)
Arena 2 - The Experiment (smegHEAD)
Arena 3 - Big Ass Ham (smegHEAD)
Arena 4 - Heavy Metal (MeatHead)
Arena 5 - LavaLands (big0nes)
Arena 6 - Uneven Flow (smegHEAD)
Arena 7 - The Dive (big0nes)
Arena 8 - Oxide (smegHEAD)

ra2map11 Cybernetic Genocyde (7 Arenas)
Gusty <oldasscheese@hotmail.com>
Artist <smitac13@oneonta.edu>
Rico <cyg_rico@hotmail.com>
G1zm0 <mikeburb@home.com>
Arena 1 - Loading Zone (Gusty)
Arena 2 - Stone Manor (Artist)
Arena 3 - Organized Mass Confusion (Artist)
Arena 4 - Vertigo (Gusty)
Arena 5 - Chalice (Rico/Artist)
Arena 6 - Japang (g1zm0)
Arena 7 - Storehouse (Rico)

ra2map12 Hal9000's Pimprena (5 Arenas)
Arenas 1 - 5: John -Hal 9000- Schuch <hal9000@mindspring.com>
Arena 2: Andrew -LaRd- McIntyre <amcintyre@mcmail.com>
Arena 1 - The Suck Tube
Arena 2 - The Law
Arena 3 - FragHack
Arena 4 - The Other Warehouse
Arena 5 - Uberena

ra2map13 The Proving Grounds (4 Arenas)
David M. Mertz (Alpha_Male) <dmertz@vt.edu>
Arena 1 - Against the Flow
Arena 2 - Rib Cage
Arena 3 - Arena M I
Arena 4 - Over Pass

ra2map14 Rocket O'rena 1 (5 Arenas)
smeghead <ian@planetquake.com>
bigOnes <big0nes@planetquake.com>
MeatHead <meathead@planetquake.com>
Arena 1 - Intestinal Fortitude (smegHEAD)
Arena 2 - Forgotten Base (big0nes)
Arena 3 - Rapid Violence (smegHEAD)
Arena 4 - Midnight Madness (MeatHead)
Arena 5 - Back Alley Rumble! (smegHEAD)

ra2map15 KarNiX's Rage (6 Arenas)
Arenas 1-4,6: KarNiX <KarNiX@powersurfr.com>
Arena 5: Deathstalker <maclean@wcoil.com>
Arena 1 - The Platform
Arena 2 - The Factory
Arena 3 - The Dock
Arena 4 - Cooling Factory
Arena 5 - Twilight's Temple
Arena 6 - PointBlank's Base

ra2map16 MAHQ Contest Map (5 Arenas)
Deathstalker <maclean@wcoil.com>
NoFadz <starless@nofadz.com>
Chesire <calypso@iinet.net.au>
Red2 <red2@nw.com.au>
MeatHead <meathead@planetquake.com>
Arena 1 - Valium (Chesire)
Arena 2 - The Deserted Cistern (DeathStalker)
Arena 3 - Go With the Flow (Red2)
Arena 4 - The Abandoned Fort (NoFadz)
Arena 5 - The Temple (pickup) (MeatHead)

ra2map17 The Asylum (5 Arenas)
MAD|Forrest <rcoulomb@total.net>
Arena 1 - Gymnasium
Arena 2 - Melissa's Fancy
Arena 3 - Bloody Waste
Arena 4 - Mad Mines
Arena 5 - cbase

ra2map18 Malicious Carnage (6 Arenas)
DeathStalker <maclean@wcoil.com>
Arena 1 - Beggars Canyon
Arena 2 - Toshi Station
Arena 3 - Gladatorial
Arena 4 - Tidal
Arena 5 - Twilight's Temple v2
Arena 6 - Inside Outside (Pickup)

ra2map19 Futterville's Joint by MAHQ (6 Arenas)
big0nes <big0nes@planetquake.com>
smegHead <ian@planetquake.com>
Meathead <meathead@planetquake.com>
Arena 1 - Gothic Mayhem (MeatHead)
Arena 2 - Diet Smack (smegHEAD)
Arena 3 - The Observatory (big0nes)
Arena 4 - The Fuel Depot (big0nes)
Arena 5 - SquareDeath (smegHEAD)
Arena 6 - Pumping Station (MeatHead)

ra2map20 MAHQ Contest Winners 2A (5 Arenas)
big0nes <big0nes@planetquake.com>
Karnix <KarNiX@powersurfr.com>
DeathStalker <maclean@wcoil.com>
Billy <dverwer@globalnet.co.uk>
Geburah <geburah@phase2.net>
Arena 1 - Cargo Bay (Karnix)
Arena 2 - Kinslayer (Deathstalker)
Arena 3 - Dry Dock (Billy)
Arena 4 - Sling Shot (Geburah)
Arena 5 - The Other Side (Tim Willits/big0nes)

ra2map21 MAHQ Contest Winners 2B (5 Arenas)
Meathead <meathead@planetquake.com>
Deadstar <deadstar@terrafusion.com>
MiTeS <jhitt@texas.net>
Stony <ms_stony@gmx.net>
Perse <perse@schoolmail.com>
Thanatopsis <andrew@palmernet.demon.co.uk>
Arena 1 - Recoil (Deadstar)
Arena 2 - Brick Oven (MiTeS)
Arena 3 - Cross (Stony)
Arena 4 - Middle of Rationality (Perse)
Arena 5 - The Boilerhouse (Thanatopsis)

ra2map22 Alpha's Eclectic Collection (8 Arenas)
Alpha_Male <dmertz@vt.edu>
Arena 1 - The Coolant Bed
Arena 2 - No Contact I
Arena 3 - No Contact II
Arena 4 - No Contact III
Arena 5 - No Contact IV
Arena 6 - The Grotto
Arena 7 - TransLev
Arena 8 - The Caldera

ra2map23 Virtuosity (4 Arenas)
Deadstar <deadstar@terrafusion.com>
Arena 1 - Titanium Tomb
Arena 2 - Full Frontal
Arena 3 - Dead's Tower
Arena 4 - Shifted Paradigm

ra2map24 Big0nes DM Sampler (4 Arenas)
big0nes <big0nes@planetquake.com>
Arena 1 - Slice of Heaven
Arena 2 - A Tokay Tower
Arena 3 - Watery Grave
Arena 4 - Desperation

ra2map25 Adrenaline Rush (11 Arenas)
keno <kenodman@hotmail.com>
Arena 1 - Rush
Arena 2 - Lava Dome
Arena 3 - Frag or Die
Arena 4 - Holy Water
Arena 5 - Shadow of the Damned
Arena 6 - Pandamonium
Arena 7 - The Fort
Arena 8 - The Other Fort
Arena 9 - Gotcha!
Arena 10 - Underground
Arena 11 - The Castle

ra2map26 Fack's Arena (7 Arenas)
fack <fack@cgocable.net>
Arena 1 - Circular Chaos
Arena 2 - The Halfpipe
Arena 3 - King of the Hill
Arena 4 - Military Massacre
Arena 5 - Cavernous Carnage
Arena 6 - Heads up
Arena 7 - The Pit

ra2map27 RA2 All Stars Map 1 (8 Arenas)
Steve Fukuda <stevefu@unixg.ubc.ca>
Ben Bjoralt (Scalt) <dbjoralt@computerpro.com>
NoFadz <starless@nofadz.com>
Mike Burbidge (g1zm0) <mikeburb@home.com>
MAD|Forrest <rcoulomb@total.net>
Q2DM1 - "The Edge" by Tim Willits of Id Software
Arena 1 - Funkadooda's Revenge (funkadooda)
Arena 2 - Railgun Stadium (funkadooda)
Arena 3 - Deathbox (scalt)
Arena 4 - Drop Zone (funakadooda)
Arena 5 - Abandoned Fort (nofadz)
Arena 6 - Clownfish (g1zm0)
Arena 7 - Melissa's Fancy (forrest)
Arena 8 - The Edge - by Tim Willits of Id Software

ra2map28 RA2 All Stars Map 2 (8 Arenas)
Ralph 'tesh' Gustavsen <clg@coastlinegraphics.com>
Jack Gaumer (ding0) <ding0@home.com>
Mike "big0nes" MacDonald <big0nes@planetquake.com>
Mackey McCandlish (Avatar) <avatar@widomaker.com>
Greg Barr <greg@pesky.demon.co.uk>
Rico <cyg_rico@hotmail.com>
Arena 1 - Edge of Insanity (tesh)
Arena 2 - Storehouse (Rico)
Arena 3 - Fire Escape (ding0)
Arena 4 - vig0's Courtyard (big0nes)
Arena 5 - Comm Tower (Greg Barr)
Arena 6 - Sun Baked (Avatar)
Arena 7 - SpongeBath (tesh)
Arena 8 - HIPDM1 - by LevelLord, Q2 Version by BlueSeed

Other Credits
Big thanks to the beta testers and mailing list members for all their
bug reports and ideas. Some stuff that we couldn't put in this version will
certainly find its way into later ones.
To Tesh, for the awesome RA2 web site design.
To Yujin for the console background.
To Artist (smitac13@snyoneva.cc.oneonta.edu) for donating the new RA2 skins
To Clan McP (www.clanmcp.com), for testing all the new maps.
To Dennis "Meathead" Urie and Will "Jumping Bean" Seay for their help in testing.
Finally, I would like to thank Basty, dweomer, Fargo, and the rest of the PlanetQuake
guys for all their support and resources.

Copyright and Distribution Permissions

This patch is freely distributable provided that this readme is distributed
as well and is unchanged.

All code is Copyright David Wright 1998-1999.
Commercial code licensing is available by contacting wrightd@gamespy.com

DISCLAIMER: This patch is 100% safe, tested, and FDA approved,
so you should have no trouble with it. But if you do.. its not our fault.
DLL's always carry an inherent risk for servers, but as a client, you run no
code outside of Quake2 itself. So don't worry, be happy!


This modification is available from the following places:



Title : Rocket Arena 2
Filename : ra2250sv.zip
Version : 2.250 Release
Date : 10-07-99
Authors : David 'crt' Wright <wrightd@gamespy.com>
Mungo <bml@netwiz.net>
Web Page : http://www.planetquake.com/arena
Discussion list: rocketarena-subscribe@list.gamespy.com

Please read this entire file, as it contains important info on installation.
Many options have changed/been added in this version, so please double check
everything, even if you are just upgrading.
Also, be sure to read the readme.txt included in the client package.

Installation Instructions
This is the server package for Rocket Arena 2. You will also need the client
pak (a seperate download) installed on the server. Download it and install
according to the included instructions.
Please note that on Unix machines you may need to rename the client EXE file
to a ZIP file and unzip it manually.

Extract all of the files to your \quake2\arena directory.

You can put the raserver.bat in your \quake2 directory.

Customize the server.cfg to your tastes. It includes the admincode (see below)
which will allow for in-game configuration of the mod. Please change this

Please see below for info on the arena.cfg file, used to customize settings
on a per server/per level/per arena basis.
It includes map rotation information as well.

Customize the raserver.bat file if needed as well (maxclients, etc).

If you want to run a listen server (i.e. you play, and others play with you) then
change the +set dedicated 1 in the raserver.bat to +set dedicated 0.

You can edit the "motd.txt" file to display a message to connecting clients.
See the included one for line size information.

The default settings in server.cfg include:
set public 1
setmaster q2master.planetquake.com

set logfile 2
set netlog ripper.planetquake.com:21998

The first two lines publish your server on the PlanetQuake master list so that
people can see it in GameSpy. If you don't want your server to be public, set
public 0 and remove the setmaster line.

The second two lines enable net logging. See below for net logging info.
If you are running on a LAN and not connected to the Internet, REMOVE THESE LINES!!
If the server crashes after the first frag, then it is having trouble sending the
net logging info and you should turn net logging off.

Server Crashes
Server crashes will not be tolerated! RA2 has been designed and tested to be
a highly reliable mod. If you are experiencing server crashes. please contact
me asap so we can track down the cause. If you have physical access to the server,
the following info would be useful following a crash:
1. The full text of the "Details" box on the crash dialog
2. The text on the console at the time of crash
3. The qconsole.log file in the arena directory after the crash (deleted
when the server is restared, so grab it fast!)
4. The drwatson32.log file (in your winnt directory) if on Windows NT
5. A stack trace (on Unix) if available.

Administration / Mod setup
There are several console variables which control how the mod functions.
Most other options have been moved to the arena.cfg file.

"set logfile 2" will instruct RA2 create an standard log file.
If no additional options are specified, it will create the file "stdlog.log" in
your \quake2\arena directory. You can add "set logname mylog.log" to use a different

"set admincode 1234" is the code (up to 8 digits) that you set to allow in-game
administration of the server.

"set netlog ripper.planetquake.com:21998" will send all logging information to that
machine. See below for net logging information.

"set public 1" will allow the server to be displayed on the id list. You MUST set
public 1 for your netlog stats to be accepted.

"set arenacfg myarena.cfg" will allow you to use filenames other than arena.cfg
(to run two different servers on the same install for example).

arena.cfg file
The arena.cfg file allows you to specify map options on a:
1. per server
2. per map
3. per arena
Information is stored in a hierarchical format. Priority goes in order to:
1. Values for the specific arena
2. Values for that map
3. Global values defined at the top of the arena.cfg file
4. Default values stored in the game code.

The format of the file is (note that the < > characters are not typed!):
<global default option>;
<global default option>;
<mapname> {
<map default option>;
<map default option>;
<map default option>;
<arena number> {
<arena default option>;
<arena default option>;
<arena default option>;
<arena number> {
<arena default option>;

For example:
//-----------START OF FILE------------
maploop: ra2map1 ra2map3 ra2map5 q2dm1; // <-- sets the map rotation for the server
minping: 150; // <-- sets the default minimum ping to 150 for all arenas
ra2map1 { // <-- ra2map1 is the map name
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; //<-- these will be the default weapons, if none are specified for an arena
armor: 200; //<-- default health if none is specified
health: 100; //<-- default armor
1 {
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9; //<-- arena 1 takes out hyperblaster
armor: 100; //<-- reduces default armor to 100
playersperteam: 2; //<-- 2v2 matches
rounds: 3; //<-- 2 out of 3 rounds wins the match
2 {
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0; //<-- all weapons allowed
armor: 150; //<-- only 150 armor
health: 90; //<-- 90 health to start
pickup: 1; //<-- designates this as a pickup arena
rounds: 9; //<-- 5 out of 9 rounds takes the match
3 {
minping: 0; //<-- overrides the minping:150 set on the server. Everyone can play here
4 {
weapons: 0; //<-- only blaster and BFG are allowed
health: 500; //<-- start with a ton of health
armor: 500; //<-- and lots of armor
cells: 999; //<-- starting cells is 999 now
//you do not need to list all the maps/arenas, unlisted ones will use defaults
q2dm8 {
minping: 0; //all people allowed on this map. Overrides global 150 value
pickup: 1; //all arenas (only 1 actually) will be pickup
rounds: 9; //best 5 of 9
cells: 50; //can't go crazy with hyperblaster

Available Options are:

weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0;
where the number corresponds to the default Q2 binding (2 = shotgun, 0 = bfg)
armor: <value>;
health: <value>;
playersperteam: <value>; //maximum number of players to allow on a team. Smaller teams can join, and players can join teams already in arenas.
minping: <value>;
maxping: <value>;
rounds: <odd numbered value>;
max_teams: <value>; //to limit the teams in an arena. Automatically set to 2 for pickup arenas.
pickup: <1/0>; //enable / disable pickup teams for this arena (disabled by default)
shells: <value>;
bullets: <value>;
slugs: <value>;
grenades: <value>;
rockets: <value>;
cells: <value>;
grapple: <1/0>; //enable / disalbe the offhand grapple in this arena
votetries: <value>; //max number of times a person can propose a vote (stop vote spamming)
fastswitch: <1/0>; //turn on/off fast weapon switching (on by default)
healthprotect: <0/1/2>; // 0 = hurt everyone | 1 = don't hurt self or team | 2 = hurt self, but not team (default = 1)
armorprotect: <0/1/2>; // 0 = hurt everyone | 1 = don't hurt self or team | 2 = hurt self, but not team (default = 2)
fallingdamage: <1/0>; // 1 = damage from falls | 0 = no damage
allowvotingarmor: <1/0>; // these values allow you to turn off voting for specific items on your server, if you so choose
allowvotinghealth: <1/0>;
allowvotingminping: <1/0>;
allowvotingmaxping: <1/0>;
allowvotingplayersperteam: <1/0>;
allowvotingrounds: <1/0>;
allowvotingmaxteams: <1/0>;
allowvotingarmorprotect: <1/0>;
allowvotinghealthprotect: <1/0>;
allowvotingshotgun: <1/0>;
allowvotingsupershotgun: <1/0>;
allowvotingmachinegun: <1/0>;
allowvotingchaingun: <1/0>;
allowvotinggrenadelauncher: <1/0>;
allowvotingrocketlauncher: <1/0>;
allowvotinghyperblaster: <1/0>;
allowvotingrailgun: <1/0>;
allowvotingbfg: <1/0>;
allowvotingfallingdamage: <1/0>;
lockarena: <1/0>; //if you set this to 1, no one will be able to join that arena. YOU CAN'T UNDO IT WITHOUT RESTARTING THE SERVER.
competitionmode: <1/0>; //enables compeition mode (can't track other team after you die)
damagescoring: <1/0>; // if set, player points are based on damage done 100 damage

Please take a look at the included arena.cfg for some more examples.
If your settings are not being used, please make sure that:
1. you have a ":" (colon) seperating the identifier and the value
2. you have a ";" (semi-colon) at the end each line
Please direct any arena.cfg related questions/comments to Mungo at the
e-mail address above.

The default values if none are specified in the config are:
weapons : 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor : 200;
health : 100;
minping : 0;
maxping : 1000;
playersperteam : 1;
max_teams : 128;
shells : 100;
bullets : 200;
slugs : 50;
grenades : 50;
rockets : 50;
cells : 150;
fastswitch : 1;
armorprotect : 2;
healthprotect : 1;
grapple : 0;
fallingdamage: 1;
compeitionmode: 0;
damagescoring: 0;
if (it is a multi arena map)
pickup : 0;
rounds : 1;
else (it is a id / single arena map)
pickup : 1;
rounds : 9;

Pickup Teams
Rocket Arena 2 now supports Clan Arena style pickup teams.
Simply set "pickup: 1;" for any arena/map you want to have pickup teams on.
Two teams will appear on the main menu (arena # red/arena # blue), and players
will be able to join one of the teams and instantly be put in the arena.

You should also set multiple rounds "rounds: 9;" or so, so that the matches
last a bit longer. There is a 15 second waiting period between matches, so
that players can switch teams if they want.

Net Logging
Rocket Arena 2 has network logging support. To enable this add:
"set public 1" and
"set netlog ripper.stanford.edu:21998" in your server.cfg file.
This will send kill information to that machine for central collection
and analysis. This system is not 100% reliable (about 1/1000 kills are
lost in transit) but is STRICTLY FOR FUN, so if you're looking for more
serious/accurate rankings, do them for your own server only.

Right now all I am doing with the netlog data is displaying the top 5
fraggers of the day on the top of the Rocket Arena page. Future uses may
be considered. The comprehensive stats were dicontinued because they fostered
an environment of intense competition that made many people uncomfortable.

In Game Administration
To use the in game administration, just type /cmd admin <admincode>
(e.g. /cmd admin 1234)

It will pop up a menu allowing you to select things like fraglimit, timelimit,
and map. You can cycle through all the maps in the maploop: line in the arena.cfg file.
Use invuse (ENTER) to increment a value and invdrop (') to decrease it.

Arena administration is done by typeing: /cmd arenaadmin <admincode> <arena #>
(e.g. /cmd arenaadmin 1234 1)
This will give you a menu similar to the voting menu, but you can force the changes.

There are two options only available on the Arena Admin menu (not in voting)
You can "lock" an arena. This is to allow clans to have matches on a server without
the rcon code. To use this, have all of the players in the game enter the arena, then
have the admin "lock" the arena on the menu. No players will be able to enter that
arena until it is "unlocked" (or all players leave the arena, in which case it will
be reset/unlocked).
You can set an arena in "compeition mode". This will make it so that observers can
only track their own team, and only using in-eyes view.
This is intended for SERIOUS competitions only. Public servers
should NOT set this, as it defeats much of the fun of watching a match.

Please see the client readme for full credits.

Copyright and Distribution Permissions

This patch is freely distributable provided that this readme is distributed
as well and is unchanged.

All code is Copyright David Wright 1999.
Commercial code licensing is available by contacting wrightd@gamespy.com



This modification is available from the following places:

WWW : http://www.planetquake.com/arena

Version History
Initial Release

Better server stability, minor gameplay tweaks

100% server reliablity
Advanced configuration, on both a per map and per arena level:
-Default Weapons
-Starting health/armor
-Number of players per team
-Ping filtering
Enhanced teamplay
Player status for observers
New sounds
Teamplay works on maps with only a few spawn points
(people don't get stuck)

Q2 3.13 compatible, based on 3.05 code
Voting system for arena settings
Enhanced arena.cfg with more options
Centralized stats system
Pickup team play
Talk commands on a per arena basis
MOTD support
changes in map rotation (done in arena.cfg now)

First full release version
Fixed menu code
Lots of new options, for players and servers

9 NEW Maps with 53 new Arenas
Off-center countdown
Player remaining count on status bar in pickup
One team is spawned on even spawn points, one on odd
Health and Armor Protect on the voting menu
Only changed items are shown on the voting menu
Server ops can specify things that can't be voted on
Anti-Vote Spamming code
New Standard logging options
Server Admins can lock arenas (for matches,etc)
OPTIONAL Offhand Grappling Hook
Fixed endless ticking from hand grenade
Fixed telefrag protection on lifts
Observers telefragging players bug corrected
All New Skins, including support for Crackhor and Cyborg
Countdown doesn't make voting/other menus disappear
Anti-ZBOT Code

Added +hook alias, in addition to +grap (both are the same)
Fixed documentation errors (allowvoting names were wrong, health/armorprotect values incorrect)
Fixed even/odd spawning for pickup
Added Falling damage option/voting
Prints IP address on connect
Work-around for exploit on ra2map13 (pit)

Added new Competition mode
Updated fraglimit/timelimit/ping/armor counters -- allow zero
Print who initiated the vote when voting
Fixed standard logging bug
Improved votespamming protection

Improved Competition mode
Added Damage Scoring (1 pt per 100 damage)
Settable arena.cfg file for each server (set arenacfg myarena.cfg)
New Top Secret Feature (TM)


// note: the weapon numbers are determined by which number you press to get the weapon
// example: weapon 2 is the shotgun, weapon 0 is the BFG
maploop: ra2map1 ra2map9 ra2map18 ra2map2 ra2map10 ra2map19 ra2map3 ra2map11 ra2map4 ra2map20 ra2map12 ra2map5 ra2map21 ra2map13 ra2map6 ra2map22 ra2map14 ra2map7 ra2map23 ra2map15 ra2map8 ra2map24 ra2map16 ra2map25 ra2map17 ra2map26 ra2map27 ra2map28;
fastswitch: 1;
armor: 300;
votetries: 3;
grapple: 0;
allowvotingarmorprotect: 0;
allowvotingfallingdamage: 0;
ra2map1 { //Alpine Adventure
1 { //Stadium Cargo Hold
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 50;
rounds: 3;
2 { //Alcatraz
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0;
armor: 150;
3 { //The Blue Max
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 75;
4 { //Funkadooda's Revenge 2
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
5 { //Railgun Stadium
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 50;
playersperteam: 3;
6 { //Drop Zone
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 200;
healthprotect: 2;
7 { //The Warehouse
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
ra2map2 { //Tesh's Revenge
1 { //spongebath
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 100;
playersperteam: 2;
healthprotect: 2;
2 { //rocket jump this
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 200;
3 { //edge of insanity
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0;
armor: 50;
4 { //the wicked empty base
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 50;
rounds: 3;
5 { //the outer base
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
ra2map3 { //soahc
1 { //DeathBox
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 150;
healthprotect: 2;
2 { //The Corridors
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
playersperteam: 2;
3 { //Q2 Soahc
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
ra2map4 { //Arenaholics Anonymous
1 { //Stone Cold
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 50;
rounds: 3;
2 { //Monkies in the Middle
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0;
armor: 150;
3 { //The Cage
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 75;
4 { //Uneven
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
5 { //House of Glass
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
6 { //Heart and Soul
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
7 { //The Lobbing Lobby
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
rounds: 3;
8 { //Rail Runners
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 50;
playersperteam: 2;
9 { //Machine Room
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 200;
healthprotect: 2;
10 { //The Bridge
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
ra2map5 { //assortment
1 { //Tek Towers
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
2 { //McCandlish Base
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
3 { //Sun Baked
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
4 { //Only if it Rotates
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
ra2map6 { //fragapalooza
1 { //Courting Death
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 50;
2 { //Pillars
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0;
armor: 150;
3 { //A Room with a View
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 75;
4 { //The Long Jump
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
5 { //That Not So Fresh Feeling
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 150;
healthprotect: 2;
6 { //Gibs on Ice
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 200;
healthprotect: 2;
7 { //Here and There
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
8 { //An Auxiliary Death
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 11;
ra2map7 { //Palace of Brak
1 { //Planet Brak
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
2 { //Bucket-O-Gibs
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 200;
3 { //Spin Cycle
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0;
armor: 50;
4 { //Frontdoor-Backside
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
5 { //Zoraks Revenge
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 0;
armor: 150;
6 { //A Good Place to Die
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 150;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
ra2map8 { //Injury Terminal
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
1 { //Comm Tower
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
pickup: 0;
rounds: 1;
healthprotect: 2;
2 { //Inferno Compound
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
3 { //Ventilation Central
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armorprotect: 0;
healthprotect: 0;

ra2map9 { // g1zm0
1 { //Medieval by g1zm0
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
2 { //Dakyneq2 by g1zm0
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
3 { //Clownfish by g1zm0
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
playersperteam: 1;
4 { //Teien by g1zm0
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
playersperteam: 1;
5 { //Railgun 101 by SwanSong
weapons: 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
playersperteam: 1;
6 { //Fire Escape by ding0
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
playersperteam: 1;
7 { //Madlands by Hyena
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
playersperteam: 2;
8 { //Molehills by ScuNioN
weapons: 7 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
playersperteam: 2;
healthprotect: 2;
ra2map10 { // Rocket O'rena II
1 { //Vig0 s Courtyard
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;

2 { //The Experiment
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;

3 { //Big Ass Ham
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;

4 { //Heavy Metal
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;

5 { //Lavalands
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;

6 { //Uneven Flow
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;

7 { //The Dive
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
playersperteam: 2;

8 { //Oxide
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
ra2map11 { //Cybernetic Genocyde
1 { //Loading Zone
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
playersperteam: 1;
2 { //Stone Manor
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 125;
playersperteam: 1;
3 { //Organized Mass Confusion
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 75;
playersperteam: 2;
4 { //Vertigo
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 75;
playersperteam: 1;
5 { //The Chalice
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 150;
playersperteam: 1;
6 { //Japanese Garden
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 75;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
7 { //The Storehouse
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
playersperteam: 2;
ra2map12 { //Hal9000's Pimprena
1 { //The Suck Tube
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 50;
2 { //The Law
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 50;
3 { //FragHack
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 50;
4 { //The Other Warehouse
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
pickup: 1;
armor: 50;
rounds: 5;
5 { //Uberena
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 50;
ra2map13 { //The Proving Grounds
1 { Against the Flow - RA2
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
2 { // Rib Cage
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
3 { //Arena M I
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 9;
4 { //Over Pass
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
ra2map14 { //Rocket O 'rena
1 { //Intestinal Fortitude
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
2 { //The Forgotten Base
pickup: 0;
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
playersperteam: 2;
3 { //Rapid Violence
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
playersperteam: 2;
4 { //Midnight Madness
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 150
5 { //Back Alley Rumble!
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 150;

ra2map15 { // KarNiX's Rage
1 { //The Platform
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;

2 { //The Factory
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor; 200;
health: 100;

3 { //The Dock
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor; 200;
health: 100;

4 { //Cooling Factory
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor; 200;
health: 100;

5 { //Twilight's Temple by Deathstalker
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor; 200;
health: 100;

6 { //Pointblank's Base
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor; 200;
health: 100;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
ra2map16 { // MAHQ Arena contest winners
// www.planetquake.com/mahq

1 { //Valium
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
2 { //Deserted Cistern
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
3 { //Go With The Flow
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
4 { // Abandoned Fort
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
5 { //Temple
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
ra2map17 { // The Asylum

1 { //Gymnasium
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
2 { //Melissa's Fancy
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
3 { //Bloody Waste
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
4 { //Mad Mines
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
5 { //cbase
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
ra2map18 { //miscellaneous carnage
1 { //Beggar's Canyon
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
2 { //Toshi Station
weapons: 2 3 4 6 7 8;
armor: 50;
3 { //Gladatorial
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
4 { //Tidal
weapons: 2 3 4 6 7 9;
armor: 100;
5 { //Twilight's Temple v2
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 50;
6 { //Indoor - Outdoor
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
ra2map19 { //Futtervilles Joint
1 { //Gothic Mayhem
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
2 { //Diet Smack
weapons: 2 3 4 6 7 8;
armor: 100;
3 { //The Observatory
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
4 { //The Fuel Depot
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
5 { //SquareDeath
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 100;
6 { //Pumping Station
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
ra2map20 { //MAHQ Contest Map 2A
1 { //Cargo Bay
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
2 { //Kinslayer
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
3 { //Dry Dock
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
4 { //Slingshot
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
5 { //The Other Side
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
ra2map21 { //MAHQ Contest Map 2B
1 { // Recoil
weapons:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 { // Brick Oven
weapons:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3 { // Cross
weapons:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4 { // Middle of Rationality
weapons:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
5 { // Boiler House
weapons:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ra2map22 { // Alpha's Eclectic Collection

1 { //The Coolant Bed
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
healthprotect: 1;
armorprotect: 1;
2 { //No Contact I
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 50;
health: 100;
healthprotect: 0;
armorprotect: 0;
3 { //No Contact II
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 50;
health: 100;
healthprotect: 0;
armorprotect: 0;
4 { //No Contact III
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 50;
health: 100;
healthprotect: 0;
armorprotect: 0;
5 { //No Contact IV
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 50;
health: 100;
healthprotect: 0;
armorprotect: 0;
6 { //The Grotto
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 50;
health: 100;
healthprotect: 0;
armorprotect: 0;
7 { //TransLev
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 50;
health: 100;
healthprotect: 2;
armorprotect: 0;
8 { //The Caldera
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
healthprotect: 2;
armorprotect: 0;
ra2map23 { //Virtuosity
1 { //Titanium Tomb
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
cells: 100;
2 { //Full Frontal
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 150;
cells: 0;
3 { //Dead's Tower
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 150;
4 { //Shifted Paradigm
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 200;
cells: 50;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
ra2map24 { // Big0nes DM Sampler
1 { //Slice of Heaven
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
2 { //A Tokay Tower
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
3 { //Watery Grave
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
4 { //Desperation
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
ra2map25 { // Adrenaline Rush
1 { //Rush
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 50;
health: 100;
2 { //The Lava Dome
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 50;
health: 100;
rounds: 3;
shells: 6;
bullets 50;
3 { //Frag or Die
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
healthprotect: 2;
grenades: 15;
4 { //Holy Water
weapons: 2 4 7 9;
armor: 50;
health: 100;
healthprotect: 2;
rounds: 3;
5 { //Shadow of the Damned
weapons: 3 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
shells: 10;
bullets: 50;
fallingdamage: 0;
6 { //Pandemonium
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 150;
health: 100;
7 { //The Fort
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 50;
health: 100;
playersperteam: 2;
8 { //The Other Fort
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
fallingdamage: 0;
9 { //Gotcha!
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 150;
health: 100;
playersperteam: 2;
fallingdamage: 0;
10 { //Underground
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 50;
health: 100;
playersperteam: 2;
11 { //The Castle
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
armor: 100;
health: 100;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
ra2map26 { // Fack's Arena
1 { //Circular Chaos
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 150;
health: 100;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
2 { //The Halfpipe
weapons: 6 7 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
3 { //King of the Hill
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 150;
health: 100;
4 { //Military Massacre
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
5 { //Cavernous Carnage
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 0;
pickup: 0;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
6 { //Heads up
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
7 { //The Pit
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
shells: 6;
bullets: 50;
armor: 100;
health: 100;

ra2map27 { //RA2 All Stars Map 1
1 { //Funkadooda's Revenge 2
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
2 { //Railgun Stadium
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 50;
3 { //DeathBox
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 150;
healthprotect: 2;
4 { //Drop Zone
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 200;
healthprotect: 2;
5 { // Abandoned Fort
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
6 { //Clownfish by g1zm0
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
playersperteam: 1;
7 { //Melissa's Fancy
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
8 { //The Edge
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
ra2map28 { //RA2 All Stars Map 2
1 { //Comm Tower
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
healthprotect: 2;
2 { //Vig0 s Courtyard
Weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
3 { //Sun Baked
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
4 { //edge of insanity
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0;
armor: 50;
5 { //spongebath
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
armor: 100;
playersperteam: 2;
6 { //Fire Escape by ding0
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
health: 100;
playersperteam: 1;
7 { //The Storehouse
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
armor: 100;
playersperteam: 2;
8 { //Hipdm1
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;
q2dm1 {
weapons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9;
pickup: 1;
rounds: 9;

 Zobacz profil Offline  
PostNapisane: 12 mar 2012, o 18:51 
dzionsla cien

Dołączył(a): 5 maja 2003, o 10:11
Posty: 4122
Lokalizacja: Gliwice
Karma: 118
nie kazdy zaglada i znajac zycie niektorzy beda miec problem ze znalezieniem i sciagnieciem odpowiedniej paczki do danego moda (bo sa tam tez linuxowe i inne rzeczy mi potrzebne i na downloadzie sa wszystkie) to podaje bezposrednie linki do paczek windosowskich wraz z mapami, texturami itd:



http://download.planetquake.pl/mods/ra2/ra2250cl.exe (niestety mi np. ta instalka na systemie win7 x64 nie dziala, wyskakuje blad ze niezgodna z wersja systemu bla bla, jak ktos ma system na ktorym mu zadziala, niech gdzies wystawi po prostu spakowany katalog po instalacji, ja wrzuce go do sciagniecia w formie spakowanej, a nie instalki j/w)

 Zobacz profil Offline  
PostNapisane: 12 mar 2012, o 19:08 

Dołączył(a): 29 sie 2003, o 15:48
Posty: 1428
Lokalizacja: de
Karma: 118
dody wrzucil w 1 poscie ra2

 Zobacz profil Offline  
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